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How To Get Download Option In Youtube

caeclamaminsedic 2020. 8. 30. 11:08

  1. How To Get Download Option In Youtube Video
  2. How To Get My Downloads
  3. How Do I Get Youtube
  4. How To Show Download Option In Youtube
  5. How To Get Download Option In Youtube App
  • Mar 1, 2018 - About a month ago, we noticed that the ability to download YouTube. If you live in one of these countries, the option has most likely rolled out to you. YouTube could not be launched in a location but still have offline video.
  • Mar 11, 2019 - Downloading videos from YouTube is easier than you might imagine. Downloading videos is also great if you have a mobile plan with a. 4K Video Downloader will give you the option of downloading the entire channel.

The best option for downloading YouTube videos is using third party software meant for downloading videos. This software will enable you to download almost any video.

I have installed youtube-dl in my 14.04.

I can download video by following command,

But I want to know how to select available pixel quality of youtube video(i.e 1080p, 720p, 480p, etc).

In software description they said it's possible(shown in image below), but how to do..


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8 Answers

To download a video, you type the URL after the command like so:

To select the video quality, first use the -F option to list the available formats, here’s an example,

Here’s the output:

The best quality is 22 so use -f 22 instead of -F to download the MP4 video with 1280x720 resolution like this:

Or optionally use the following flags to automatically download the best audio and video tracks that are available as a single file:

If you encounter any error during the muxing process or an issue with the video quality selection, you can use one of the following commands:

or as Gabriel Staples pointed out here, the following command will typically select the actual best single file video quality resolution instead of video quality bit-rate:

These commands will ensure you download the highest quality mp4 video and m4a audio from the video as a single file or will merge them back into a single mp4 (using ffmpeg in my case). If ffmpeg or avconv is not available, youtube-dl should fall back to the single file -f best option instead of the default.

Source: www.webupd8.org/2014/02/video-downloader-youtube-dl-gets.html

Source: github.com/rg3/youtube-dl


24.2k2 gold badges56 silver badges89 bronze badges

You can download 1080p using youtube-dl, but you need to do a little extra work. Usually it will only download 720p as its max even if you can see 1080p on youtube.com.

Run with -F to see available formats:

notice that youtube-dl has labeled the last option 1280x720 as the 'best' quality and that's what it will download by default, but that the line starting with 137 is actually higher quality 1920x1080. Youtube has separated the video and audio streams for the lines labeled DASH so we also need to pick the highest quality audio which in this case is the line starting with 141. Then we run youtube-dl again this time specifying the audio and video:

and it will download the 1080p video and auto-merge it with the highest-quality audio. It should also auto-deleted the separate downloaded parts. This method is a little extra work, but will get you the best results.


24.2k2 gold badges56 silver badges89 bronze badges

Ryan HorrisbergerRyan Horrisberger

1,1011 gold badge7 silver badges5 bronze badges

To select specific resolutions, you can specify the size and audio quality so they get selected automatically - so for 480p:

with bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best[height<=720] for 720p etc. This can added to config file at ~/.config/youtube-dl/config (or even /etc/youtube-dl.conf) so you don't get oversized downloads:

You can use --ignore-config if you want to disable the configuration file for a particular youtube-dl run.

Please note that fairly often it will have to download a separate video and audio steam and merge them.

For more examples see youtube-dl's doucmentation.

How To Get Download Option In Youtube Video


22.4k11 gold badges73 silver badges134 bronze badges

Some of the other options to download the best quality videos other than that mentioned here depending on your convenience is given below:

How To Get My Downloads

Download best mp4 format available or any other best if no mp4 available

Download best format available but not better that 480p

Download best video only format but no bigger than 50 MB

Download best format available via direct link over HTTP/HTTPS protocol

How Do I Get Youtube



Directly from youtube-dl github page

How To Show Download Option In Youtube


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Kurian BenoyKurian Benoy

A bash wrapper script that prompts for the format, which includes all available renditions, including audio-only, video-only, and then streams the video/audio with mpv.

Accepts both absolute youtube URLs and video IDs.

Sample output:

If you want to download the video as opposed to stream it, just remove the mpv --cache=1024 part and the dollar sign with brackets.


This answer here, with the most votes,should be right to give you the best video quality available, but....it's not. bestvideo+bestaudio seems to choose only the best video and best audio of the options that are video only and audio only, then it merges the two together. Note that this also appears to be identical to the default behavior of youtube-dl. However, on the video I was looking at, the best quality was a single, pre-merged file that was already in a format with combined video and audio. The bestvideo+bestaudio option did NOT choose this best quality 720p file because it was looking only for separate video and audio files. Details below.

Solution? Have it grab the best single file which contains both video and audio in one instead, with this:

In short: use the -f best option, NOT the -f bestvideo+bestaudio option!

More specifically, see below for the results of running

in order to see what video 'F'ormats are availabe for download:

Notice that row 22 says '(best)' to the far right of it. This is the only option which offers hd720 quality, which is the best quality I can get when watching this video in a web browser on YouTube. It is the clearest and has the best definition. When I use either of the commands recommended by the top answer:


I end up with a video that is both lower quality/lower resolution, and has a larger file size. I don't understand it exactly, but the -f best option is definitely the only one that truly gives me the best resolution.

Here's some screenshots:

  1. Using the lower quality-f bestvideo+bestaudio option accepted here as the right answer (OR just using the default option: youtube-dl https://youtu.be/FWGC9SqA3J0):

    • Notice how fuzzy the icons are at the top, and how difficult to read are the open window and tiny words within it!
    • This is significantly worse than the quality I get when watching online at YouTube directly in the browser.
    • This option also takes up more memory for some reason: the video is 18.0 MB, and it took longer for my system to download and re-combine (audio + video) than the -f best option below, which only had to do one download and no recombining since it was already one file.
  2. Using the higher quality-f best option which I recommend:

    • Notice how much clearer the small icons at the top and small font in the window are!
    • This is the identical resolution to what I get when watching in the highest resolution possible directly in the browser on YouTube.
    • This option also takes up less memory for some reason: the video is 14.8 MB.

See man youtube-dl for details.

Gabriel StaplesGabriel Staples

1,0261 gold badge11 silver badges27 bronze badges

I am a disk saver, so I download videos of the format 1280 x 720,
because 4k videos takes more size of my hard disk.
So I add youtube-dl in ~/.bashrc file like given below

How To Get Download Option In Youtube

Setting a work -
open terminal and type

  • nano ~/.bashrc
    now go to very bottom of the file and add given below command
  • alias yt='youtube-dl -if best'
  • save file by pressing Ctrl o then press Enter
  • exit file by pressing Ctrl x
  • and last run command source ~/.bashrc in terminal

Experiment -
Open terminal and type
yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puPUJlV1-W4
It will start downloading video with the best quality.
Explanation -
Bash allows us to define aliases which act like shortcuts to bash commands
in our case we define alias as -
alias yt='youtube-dl -if best'
where yt is the shortcut command for 'youtube-dl' which gives relief
our fingers to type long command.
You can write anything at the place of yt.
I set a flag -i in youtube-dl -if best
which means

It will Continue on download errors, for example to skip unavailable videos in a playlist

Abhishek KamalAbhishek Kamal

By default, youtube-dl will pick the best quality.


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